Our little piece of heaven is approximately 7 miles off the paved road, which has made for some difficult times while getting our ranch up and going. We couldn't find concrete pump trucks or cranes to come help us with the most backbreaking of labor of building our foundation or lifting our logs on our Ranch Office and Media Production Studios. As ranchers, we did what we had to: lived by the sweat of our brows (sometimes by the seat of our pants) and came up with ingenious ways to just get the job done with whatever we had. We thank God every day for great neighbors and friends who make up our Ranch community we cannot give them enough accolades or thanks for all the assistance and knowledge. We have spent many long nights over the last 3 years developing a plan of rotation of crop and grazing which benefits us, the land, the animals and the bottom line. Learning to use a drone was ever so helpful in plotting out the best places for everything to go. From our greenhouse, to our wood boiler, to our chicken coup and solar system. While it took us 3 years to come up with a plan, we realized we have to be flexible and be ready to amend that plan on the fly sometimes in under a minute:) Such is the #ranchlife. We love living out here on "The Back 40", and wouldn't trade it for a thing. - back forty (plural back forties) (US) The remote part of a farm. They couldn't contact the farmer right away because he was out plowing the back forty. (US, idiomatic) The most remote or inaccessible part of any place.